Photo of Mauricio Giraldo

Energy & sustainability

Mauricio Giraldo

He has created a fiber glass cowling which improves the energy efficiency of existing metro carriages

Year Honored

Latin America

Hails From

"Whether you are in Mecca, Barcelona or Tokyo, the aerodynamic shape on high speed trains is pivotal for improving energy efficiency and astronomical budgets are set aside to improve it. In Medellín, the improved efficiency and reduced operating costs of Metro, a public undertaking which transports more than half a million people on a daily basis and whose only source of income is the sale of tickets to users, are two absolutely fundamental factors in the sustainability of the company.

With the support of the Medellín Metro and the national plan of Colombian Council for Science (Colciencias), this innovative young man has designed a fiber glass cowling which, once attached to the front end of carriages, improves their aerodynamics and energy efficiency. This improvement is saving more than 400 million pesos a year in operating costs. Furthermore, this technology is adapted to the structure of existing

carriages which means that installation costs can be reduced.

This young Colombian has also created a system to produce electric energy from low-speed wind power, which is already covered by a patent in Colombia.

Mauricio has received numerous forms of recognition for his academic excellence. He was selected by Colombia to form part of the Fulbright Nexus Scholars group which is dedicated to resolving problems related to sustainability and climate change for the western hemisphere; his work was included in the Support Program for National PhDs of the Colombian Council for Science (Colciencias) and he is also a member of the Marie Curie EST."