Photo of Johnniel Rojas

Internet & web

Johnniel Rojas

An app that helps students to write academic texts with free resources, tutors, and live classes.

Year Honored

Tesis Time

Latin America

Hails From

Researching and writing a final paper, dissertation, or doctoral thesis is a laborious but necessary task for graduating from university and entering the workforce. It can also take a toll on mental health: doctoral students are more likely to have symptoms of depression than the general population. This situation is becoming increasingly common as the university population in Latin America grows.

Faced with this problem for university students and academics, Johnniel Enrique Rojas, a graduate in Social Communication from the Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua (Venezuela), decided to look for a solution. His answer is the app and website Tesis Time. This platform guides students through the process of researching and writing an academic text with tutorials, live classes, and the help of tutors with personalized advice. Rojas' focus is to help vulnerable and special needs students graduate and improve their employability. For this venture, Rojas has deserved to be chosen among the Innovators under 35 Latin America 2023 of MIT Technology Review in Spanish.

"The lack of knowledge and tools makes it difficult to understand the method needed to complete a thesis or academic text," explains Rojas. One of the basic problems is that students do not have access to resources or do not have the right guides to prepare the work. "To this must be added the deficit of motivation and access to resources such as specialized databases or the right software," he says, adding, "It doesn't affect everyone equally: students who need to have a job or have someone in their care cannot dedicate the necessary time to it."

Rojas' business model is freemium: the app is free but the web platform is paid. "The app gives useful tools and resources such as templates, e-books, audiobooks, and examples to help students understand and apply the necessary concepts and methodologies," adds the young man. The fee-based website facilitates personalized tutoring and live and recorded classes.

Rojas is motivated by meeting students of all kinds, with a wide variety of needs and theses "worthy of changing the world." The start-up's creator emphasizes that Thesis Time focuses not only on theses but also on other types of academic work such as scientific articles, monographs, and essays.

With thousands of downloads in several Latin American countries, the Venezuelan innovator is already working on a prototype that uses artificial intelligence. "The potential scope of the Thesis Time project is enormous, as there are millions of students in Latin America who need to write academic texts to obtain their university degree," he concludes.